Republic Day Speech in English

Respected Principals, my fellow teachers and my dear students, my loving Sat Shri Akal You will all know very well why we are all gathered here That is why I thank you all for giving me the opportunity to present my views on Republic Day and hope you will listen to me very carefully. First of all I wish everyone a very Happy Republic Day Also, I want to highlight that this day is celebrated every year in celebration of our Constitution. But its purpose is not only to have a holiday or celebrate happiness but this day makes us aware of our purpose and our responsibilities. Our responsibility towards our country starts from the day we enter school because it is not hidden from anyone that those who survive today will create the future of our country tomorrow. That is why we should start contributing in the efforts to fulfill our responsibilities right from the beginning so that we can maintain the high and pure standards of our India. For all this, it is important to educate the children wholeheartedly so that the economic condition of the country can be improved in the future.

That is why we should not do anything that will lead us back to the path of slavery It is our duty that we ourselves should not become corrupt at all and if someone tries to violate Indian rules, let him be aware to respect the constitution. Today on the 70th Republic Day, we should all take a pledge that we will protect our constitution as a conscious citizen. If ever necessary, we will also raise our voice against oppression so that the sacrifices of our martyrs will never go in vain.

Along with this, I would like to inform you all about today's history and tell you that our country became independent only on 15 August 1947, but the written laws of our independent country came into effect on 26 January 1950. The book of law and freedom means that Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar has contributed the most in making our constitution. Today we are able to breathe in the open and free air only because of their grace That is why we should repay their kindness by developing our country With these words alone, I curb my tongue and hope that every student will make every possible effort for the development of their country from now on. Once again I congratulate you all on Republic Day

Thank you,
Jay Hind Jay Bharat

Republic Day Speech in English 2

26 January is celebrated as Republic Day all over India on a large scale and with equal enthusiasm. It is the biggest and most important national festival for every citizen of India. As it is a national festival, a holiday is given across the country. But you may have a question, what is the Republic?, What is the Republic Day?

A republic simply means having power (directly or indirectly) in the hands of the people. That is, where the head of the country is elected by the people (directly or indirectly through elections) rather than by hereditary right. And all the government offices and posts there are always open for the service of the common citizens of the country. And the day from which the people got all these rights is celebrated as Republic Day every year. As in India, 26 January is celebrated as Republic Day.

Significance of Republic Day

After India gained independence from British rule on 15 August 1947, The new constitution was registered by the drafting committee headed by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.

The Constitution of India came into force on 26 January 1950, declaring India as an 'Independent Republic'.

26 January was chosen as the date because, on this day in 1930, the Indian National Congress demanded complete Swaraj and the National Anthem was sung on this day. India's declaration of independence from British colonial rule.

Republic Day symbolizes the true spirit of an independent and individual India. Important symbols of the festival include display of military equipment, national flag and military equipment.

Republic Day is celebrated with enthusiasm everywhere in India. It is also customary to invite special foreign guests on Republic Day, which is celebrated at Rajpath in the capital of India, New Delhi. After hoisting the flag in the morning, the Prime Minister addresses the nation from the Red Fort. The parade begins after the Prime Minister lays flowers on the Amar Jawan Jyoti on the Rajpath. 

It involves various regiments of the Indian Army, Air Force and Navy. In the event that follows, all the constituent states of India take part in a grand procession displaying various cultural and traditional of their state. Republic Day is celebrated in every state, district, city and village of India, including the capital Delhi, in government and private offices.

After all the ceremonies are over the Beating the Retreat takes place which officially marks the end of the Republic Day celebrations. From 26th to 29th all important government buildings are decorated with bright lights every evening. The Beating the Retreat ceremony is held on the evening of 29th January, the third day after the Republic Day. Drummers also give performances (called drummers' calls). The band marches back playing the popular martial tune 'Sare Jahan Se Achcha' and at exactly 6 o'clock, the national flag is lowered, and the national anthem is sung, marking the formal end of the Republic Day celebrations.

Purpose of celebrating 'Republic Day'

The purpose of celebrating 26th January 'Republic Day' is that we can take any decision independently or raise our voice against any kind of oppression and abuse, this is possible only because of the constitution and democratic tendency of our country. Due to this, we will never forget that our country has made a great contribution to the struggle for freedom and the constitution. Therefore, we celebrate the national festival of 26 January 'Republic Day' to express our gratitude to those who contributed to the creation of the Constitution and independence.

Republic Day Speech

FAQs based on Republic Day Speech 

Q. What is Republic Day?

Republic Day is an important day in India, when the Constitution of India came into effect in the country on 26 January 1950, this date is called Republic Day.

Q. Which Republic Day did India celebrate on 26 January 2023?

India celebrated its 74th Republic Day on 26 January 2023.

Q. Why do we celebrate 26th January as Republic Day?

The Constitution of India came into force on 26 January 1950, declaring India as an 'Independent Republic'. So why we celebrate 26th January as Republic Day.

Q. When is 26 January 2024 the Republic Day?

26 January 2024 is the 75th Republic Day.

Q. Which ceremony ends the Republic Day celebrations in New Delhi?

The Beating Retreat concludes the Republic Day celebrations.