Republic Day Anchoring Script

Republic Day is a national holiday in India that celebrates the anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of India on 26 January 1950. The Constitution of India replaced the Government of India Act 1935 as the governing document of India, thus making India a sovereign, democratic, and republic nation.

Republic Day is marked by various ceremonies and events across the country. The most prominent and spectacular of them is the Republic Day parade, which takes place in the capital city of New Delhi. The parade showcases the cultural and military diversity and prowess of India. It is attended by the President of India, who is also the supreme commander of the armed forces, the Prime Minister of India, other dignitaries, and millions of spectators.

Republic Day also honors the heroes and martyrs of the Indian freedom struggle, who sacrificed their lives for the independence of India from British colonial rule. The President of India awards various medals and honors to the brave soldiers, civilians, and children who have shown exemplary courage and service to the nation.

Republic Day is a day of pride and patriotism for all Indians. It is a day to remember and respect the values and ideals of our Constitution, which guarantees justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity to all citizens. It is also a day to celebrate and cherish the diversity and unity of our culture, which reflects the motto of our nation: “Unity in Diversity”

Republic Day Anchoring Script in English

Best Anchoring Script for Republic Day in English

Anchor 1: A very good morning to all of you. We are very happy and excited to welcome you to the 74th Republic Day celebration of our school. Today, we are here to celebrate the glorious day when our country became a sovereign, democratic, and republic nation on 26 January 1950.

Anchor 2: Yes, today is a day of joy and gratitude for all of us. Today is a day to salute and honor the brave heroes and martyrs who laid down their lives for our freedom. Today is a day to rejoice and cherish the values and ideals of our Constitution, which guarantees justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity to all citizens.

Anchor 1: We are fortunate and honored to have with us today as our chief guest, Shri Rajesh Singh, the honorable district collector of Patna. He is a renowned civil servant, a charismatic leader, and a great patriot. He has been serving our district with zeal and excellence for the past three years. He has launched many welfare schemes and development projects for the welfare of the people of Patna. He has also been a staunch supporter of education, health, and culture in our district. We are thankful to him for gracing this occasion with his presence.

Anchor 2: We also welcome our respected principal, Mrs. Anita Sharma, who is an outstanding educator, a visionary leader, and a compassionate teacher. She has been leading our school with her wisdom and vision for the past eight years. She has been instrumental in transforming our school into a hub of excellence and innovation. She has also been mentoring and motivating our students to achieve their full potential and become responsible citizens of India.

Anchor 1: We also acknowledge the presence of our esteemed teachers, staff members, parents, guests, and media persons who have joined us today to witness this grand celebration.

Anchor 2: Now, let us start this event with a prayer to the Almighty for his blessings and guidance. I request all of you to please stand up and join us in singing the prayer song.

Anchor 1: Thank you for your participation in the prayer song. Now, I request our chief guest, Shri Rajesh Singh, to kindly hoist the national flag and lead us in singing the national anthem.

Anchor 2: Thank you, sir, for hoisting the national flag and singing the national anthem with us. You have filled us with pride and patriotism for our country.

Anchor 1: Now, I would like to invite our principal, Mrs. Anita Sharma, to welcome our chief guest and other dignitaries with a bouquet of flowers.

Anchor 2: Thank you, ma’am, for welcoming our chief guest and other dignitaries with a bouquet of flowers. You have shown us your respect and gratitude for them.

Anchor 1: Now, I would like to invite our chief guest, Shri Rajesh Singh, to address the gathering and share his views and messages on this auspicious occasion.

Anchor 2: Thank you, sir, for your enlightening speech. You have inspired us to work hard, dream big, and serve our nation with dedication and devotion. You have also taught us about our duties and responsibilities as proud Indians. We are truly honored by your presence and your words.

Anchor 1: Now, I would like to invite our principal, Mrs. Anita Sharma, to share her thoughts and blessings with us on this special day.

Anchor 2: Thank you, ma’am, for your inspiring speech. You have advised us to learn from the past, live in the present, and look forward to the future. You have also guided us to follow the path of truth, justice, and peace. We are thankful to you for your leadership and support.

Anchor 1: Now, it’s time to witness some amazing cultural performances by our talented students who have prepared various songs, dances, skits, poems, etc., to showcase their love and respect for our country.

Anchor 2: First up, we have a group song by the students of class 10th who will sing a medley of patriotic songs that will fill our hearts with pride and joy.

Anchor 1: Please put your hands together for them.

(After the performance)

Anchor 2: Wow! What a wonderful performance by our young singers! They have sung so beautifully and melodiously that we could feel their emotions and sentiments in every word. They have truly paid a fitting tribute to our motherland through their songs.

Anchor 1: Thank you so much for your splendid performance.

Anchor 2: Next up, we have a dance drama by the students of class 12th who will enact a scene from our freedom struggle that depicts the courage and sacrifice of our heroes.

Anchor 1: Please welcome them with a big round of applause.

(After the performance)

Anchor 2: That was an amazing performance by our talented actors! They have enacted so realistically and dramatically that we could feel their pain and passion in every action. They have truly honored the memory of our freedom fighters through their drama.

Anchor 1: Thank you so much for your brilliant performance.

Anchor 2: Next up, we have a poem recitation by the students of class 8th who will recite a poem written by our famous poet and freedom fighter, Ramdhari Singh Dinkar.

Anchor 1: Please give them a warm welcome.

(After the performance)

Anchor 2: That was a beautiful recitation by our young poets! They have recited so eloquently and expressively that we could feel their thoughts and feelings in every word. They have truly captured the spirit of our nation through their poem.

Anchor 1: Thank you so much for your wonderful recitation.

Anchor 2: Next up, we have a skit by the students of class 9th who will present a humorous and satirical skit on the current issues and challenges faced by our country.

Anchor 1: Please enjoy their skit.

(After the performance)

Anchor 2: That was a hilarious and witty skit by our smart comedians! They have made us laugh and think at the same time. They have also given us some valuable suggestions and solutions for improving our country through their skit.

Anchor 1: Thank you so much for your entertaining skit.

Anchor 2: Next up, we have a dance by the students of class 11th who will perform a fusion dance that combines various forms of Indian classical and folk dances.

Anchor 1: Please cheer them up.

(After the performance)

Anchor 2: That was a spectacular dance by our graceful dancers! They have performed so elegantly and energetically that we could feel their rhythm and harmony in every move. They have also showcased the diversity and unity of our culture through their dance.

Anchor 1: Thank you so much for your dazzling dance.

Anchor 2: Next up, we have a solo song by the student of class 7th who will sing a patriotic song that will inspire us to love and serve our country.

Anchor 1: Please give him a loud applause.

(After the performance)

Anchor 2: That was a soulful song by our talented singer! He has sung so passionately and sincerely that we could feel his devotion and dedication in every note. He has also motivated us to be loyal and faithful to our country through his song.

Anchor 1: Thank you so much for your heart-touching song.

Anchor 2: Ladies and gentlemen, we have come to the end of this glorious celebration of our 74th Republic Day. It has been a memorable and enjoyable event that has filled us with pride and gratitude for our nation.

Anchor 1: On behalf of our school, we would like to express our sincere thanks to our chief guest, Shri Rajesh Singh, for honoring us with his presence and his words. We are grateful to him for his time and his blessings.

Anchor 2: We also thank our principal, Mrs. Anita Sharma, for her leadership and guidance. We are thankful to her for her constant encouragement and support.

Anchor 1: We also thank our teachers, staff members, parents, guests, media persons, sponsors, organizers, volunteers, performers, and everyone who has helped us in making this event a grand success.

Anchor 2: And last but not the least, we thank you, our dear audience, for your attention and enthusiasm. You have been a wonderful audience and we hope you have enjoyed this event as much as we have.

Anchor 1: As we conclude this event, let us remember the words of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the chief architect of our Constitution, who said:

"We must not only be just but also be seen to be just. Our Constitution is not only a political or legal document but also an emotional contract among ourselves."

Anchor 2: Let us cherish this contract and this Constitution that we have inherited from our ancestors. Let us also pledge to protect and preserve this Constitution with all our might. Let us also strive to make our country a better place for ourselves and for the generations to come.

Anchor 1: Let us end this event with a loud and proud chant of Jai Hind!

Anchor 2: Jai Hind! Jai Hind! Jai Hind!

Republic Day Anchoring Script in English

Anchor 1: Good morning, everyone. I am [Name], and I welcome you all to this grand celebration of our 75th Republic Day. Today, we commemorate the day when our Constitution came into force, and India became a sovereign, secular, and democratic republic.

Anchor 2: And I am [Name]. Together, we will take you through this splendid event that showcases the diversity and unity of our nation. On this day, we pay homage to the brave heroes who fought for our freedom and the visionary leaders who framed our Constitution. We also salute the valiant soldiers who guard our borders and protect our sovereignty.

Anchor 1: Let us begin this auspicious occasion by invoking the blessings of the Almighty. I request [Name] to please come on the stage and deliver the invocation song.

After the song

Anchor 2: Thank you, [Name], for that melodious rendition. It was truly soulful and uplifting. Now, it is time for the most important and solemn part of our event - the flag hoisting ceremony. I request our chief guest, [Name and designation], to please come up on the stage and hoist the national flag.

After the flag hoisting

Anchor 1: I request everyone to please stand up and pay respect to our national flag by singing the national anthem along with the school choir.

After the national anthem

Anchor 2: Thank you, everyone, for your participation. The national anthem always fills our hearts with pride and patriotism. Now, I request our chief guest to please remain on the stage and light the ceremonial lamp along with our principal, [Name], and our vice-principal, [Name].

After the lamp lighting

Anchor 1: Thank you, sir/ma'am, for your gracious presence. The lamp symbolizes the light of knowledge and wisdom that guides us on the path of truth and righteousness. Now, I request our principal, [Name], to please address the gathering and share his/her valuable thoughts on this occasion.

After the principal's speech

Anchor 2: Thank you, sir/ma'am, for your inspiring words. You have always motivated us to strive for excellence and uphold the values of our Constitution. Now, it is time for some cultural performances that showcase the rich and diverse heritage of our country. The first performance is a dance drama that depicts the struggle and sacrifice of our freedom fighters. It is presented by the students of class [Number]. Please put your hands together for them.

After the dance drama

Anchor 1: Wow, that was a spectacular performance. The students have done a great job of portraying the courage and determination of our freedom fighters. We salute their spirit and legacy. The next performance is a speech by [Name], who will enlighten us on the significance and relevance of our Constitution. Please welcome him/her with a big round of applause.

After the speech

Anchor 2: Thank you, [Name], for that informative and insightful speech. You have made us aware of the rights and duties that our Constitution grants us and expects from us. The next performance is a patriotic song that expresses our love and devotion for our motherland. It is sung by the students of class [Number]. Please give them a loud cheer.

After the patriotic song

Anchor 1: Thank you, students, for that melodious and heartwarming song. You have touched our emotions and stirred our souls. The next performance is a skit that highlights the diversity and unity of our country. It is enacted by the students of class [Number]. Please enjoy their act.

After the skit

Anchor 2: Thank you, students, for that entertaining and educative skit. You have shown us how our country is a beautiful mosaic of different cultures, languages, religions, and regions. You have also shown us how we are united by a common bond of brotherhood and patriotism. The next performance is a dance that celebrates the vibrancy and vitality of our country. It is performed by the students of class [Number]. Please give them a huge applause.

After the dance

Anchor 1: Thank you, students, for that energetic and colorful dance. You have dazzled us with your moves and expressions. You have also shown us how our country is a land of joy and festivity. The final performance of the day is a vote of thanks by [Name], who will express our gratitude to all the people who have made this event possible. Please welcome him/her with a warm applause.

After the vote of thanks

Anchor 2: Thank you, [Name], for your kind words. You have thanked everyone who has contributed to the success of this event. We would also like to thank you, dear audience, for your enthusiastic and supportive response. We hope you enjoyed the event as much as we did.

Anchor 1: With this, we come to the end of our Republic Day celebration. We hope you had a wonderful time with us. We wish you all a very Happy Republic Day. Jai Hind!

Anchor 2: Thank you and have a great day ahead!